Sunday, 7 October 2012

I’m Socializing!

Yesterday I went to a party. And if you knew me you’d know that I’m not one of those going-to-party kinda people. I’m one of those who always come up with an excuse to not going. I’m one of those who prefer spending their weekends watching TV in their pajamas.

But yesterday was different. Somebody I know from college threw a party to celebrate her birthday. She and I take one common class this semester. But I’ve known her for about a year now since I enjoyed college. She is one of those people who are well-mannered; beautiful; funny; have a terrific dressing style; responsible; concerned; happy with life; positive about life; and somebody you would have a crush on if you were a guy. She is one of those rare gems of a people who are loved by everyone; who do not wish ill for others; who do not back-bite; and though have their own set of friends but get along with almost everyone. She is what I once used to wish I were. She is somebody I really like on campus.

However, I’m one of those people for whom the term ‘Friend’ is to be used very wisely. In other words, I can be friendly with all people but I cannot be friends with all. So ‘friends’ is a term I reserve only for my friends.

However, lately I have realized that life should be a little crowded. A happy-laughing-cracking jokes-cheerful-inspiring-kinda crowd.

Lately I’ve realized that it is actually fun and emotionally satisfying to have a group of people other than your friends; a group of people you see everyday, work with, or go to class with. I’ve realized that there are people in my class with whom I feel a certain kind of connection even though they are not my friends. They seem to be like well-wishers. There is a certain kind of concern I have for them and they have for me. Though it’s not the same for each one of them but then there is no denying there is a connection. You just end up liking some people. And with some people, it’s sort of emotional. Though there is no friendship involved, though they are not really friends, but people who lie somewhere between acquaintances and friends.

I have found a few people like that in life. And I’m actually happy with what I’ve found.

A few of those people are in my post-grad class; a few of them are my boyfriend’s closest friends; and a few are those who were my co-interns when I interned with a national daily a few years ago. I never thought I was actually capable of hanging out and having fun with people other than my friends. I never knew I was capable of socializing.

Life seems sort of good when there are so many people in it. It seems ever lasting.

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