Monday, 17 December 2012

A Better Me!

I'm somebody who gets sad and feels like crying when i'm not done with my syllabus for my exams.

I'm somebody who shares with my friends and boyfriend about how people in my life irritate me.

I'm somebody who doesn't hang out or socialize much.

I'm somebody who whines a little. Sometimes, a lot.

I'm somebody who gets angry and then keeps that anger within me. Thus, making myself feel all negative and crappy.

So this winter, it is time for a NEW me, a BETTER me.
I won't change my values because they are the goodness in me but what i need to change is the way i carry my life. It's become boring. Static. Nothing's happening. No hobbies.

So here's my list for this winter. A list for an interesting winter life.

  1. Find a hobby.
  2. Smile. Be a good company.
  3. Be confident. Shoulders-back-chin-up-kinda confident.
  4. Expand that tiny pocket in my jeans. Earn a little more this winter.
  5. Be more polite to people. Don't forget to say those amazing words- 'Thank You' and 'Please'.
  6. Study well.
  7. Read a lot of books.
  8. Do not be a whiny girl.
  9. Avoid arguments. In case i can't, then i'll try to argue sensibly.
  10. Act more like an adult. Because i guess that's what i'm.

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